All About the Winter Blues

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While winter has settled in for the past little while already, some people are beginning to suffer from seasonal depression, also known as the “winter blues”. For many people, it is the lack of sunshine that is the cause, while for others, it is the frenzy of the holiday season as it fades away that makes them depressed. If you have lost a loved one in the past year and have spent the holiday period well surrounded by loved ones, finding yourself alone afterward can also cause feelings of sadness and loneliness. So here is a short guide to shed some light on this problem and give you some tips on how to get through the winter more serenely.

Blue Monday and seasonal depression
Invented in 2006 by a British travel agency, Blue Monday is the third Monday in January and is said to be the most depressing day of the year. Commonly referred to by companies to sell miracle remedies for these well-recognized blues and a vacation in the sun, the concept nevertheless does have some fundamental truth. What accounts for it? Many factors, such as a lack of daylight, returning to work after the holidays and the accumulation of debts after Christmas.

There is, in fact, a direct link with the geographical latitude of a population and the number of people affected by seasonal depression, and it is the lack of daylight that is largely responsible for this problem. These blues are generally a temporary condition that can last between two and three months during the winter, when the hours of sunshine are at their minimum. In Quebec, about 10% of the population is said to be affected by this temporary problem. Accumulated fatigue can also be a contributing factor, as many Quebecers try to work twice as hard to afford a few weeks of vacation during the summer. Loneliness after the holidays can also influence seasonal depression, especially if you have recently lost a loved one. In January, the routine resumes and people may tend to neglect their grieving loved ones.

How to recognize seasonal depression
Various symptoms can be attributed to the winter blues. In all cases, there is a feeling of sadness and a depressed mood. Some people may also be more irritable than usual and more sensitive to rejection. Other people will notice a significant lack of energy and will need more sleep. A loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy and a tendency to isolate yourself and avoid social situations are other signs that you are suffering from this seasonal malaise. An increase in appetite and a sudden desire to consume sweet foods may also be noted. For some people, these symptoms will re-occur every fall and winter. So pay attention to your own behaviour as well as the behaviour of those around you, as it can sometimes be difficult to ask for help in such a situation.

What to do to remedy seasonal depression
If you think you may have seasonal depression (SAD) or you suspect a loved one may have it, there are a number of ways to remedy it. The best known is light therapy, which can be done for 20 to 30 minutes a day, using a lamp designed for this purpose. Enjoying hours of sunshine is also an easy solution for many people. Take a walk on your lunch hour or on one of your breaks. This will enable you to enjoy the benefits of natural light, while including physical activity into your daily routine. Also make sure you get enough sleep and have a healthy and varied diet. Take time to be active, as exercise releases endorphins—hormones that provide a sense of well-being and plenitude. If you feel the need for support, you could also consult a qualified professional for a few psychotherapy sessions. This could help you to be better equipped to get through this difficult period and effectively cope with this temporary situation.

If you have recently lost a loved one, it is normal that this period may cause you to feel some blues. In all cases, what’s important is to be well surrounded by people. Also let yourself express your emotions, as it is essential not to repress them. And remember that the entire Crématorium Montréal team is here to provide you with support and comfort during these difficult times. We attentively listen to our clients so that the serenity they deserve can be restored.

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