How to Get Through the Holiday Season After the Loss of a Loved One

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A festive period of the year when people get together with family or friends, the holiday season can be a very trying time if you have lost a loved one recently or during the year. In order to accept the passing of your loved one and to fully mourn your loss, here are some tips to put into practice…

Grieving: the first step towards acceptance
All therapists will tell you that when you lose a loved one, it is of the utmost importance to allow yourself the time you need to grieve. This will enable you to quietly progress towards acceptance and regain a certain serenity. Give yourself the right to cry and feel sad. Even if you try to deny the negative emotions you feel, they will emerge sooner or later and sometimes with much more intensity than if you take the time to experience them immediately. If you need support, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from qualified professionals or simply talk to your family and friends, because they are there to help you through these difficult times.

Surround yourself with those you love
During this time of festivities, be sure to surround yourself with people you love. It is not advisable to isolate yourself to face your grief alone. However, you have the right to decline certain invitations or to come home early if you can’t get into the mood for a celebration. What is important is to be with people who will listen to you and accept your sadness. Also give yourself the freedom to experience positive emotions. Even if your loved one is no longer by your side, you can still enjoy a good meal with your family or a simple walk in the snow with friends. You don’t have to feel guilty about having little happy times. This is only a sign that life goes on and you will be able to rekindle your joy of life and live it to the fullest again.

Establish new family traditions
To make this period less difficult, it may be necessary to change family traditions. This will help you start the year on the right foot, while avoiding the need to dwell on painful emotions. For example, the Christmas dinner could take place at another family member’s home, which will prevent you from stirring up suffering, while giving you some time to relax.

Honour the memory of your loved one
Even if your loved one is no longer with you, there is nothing to stop you from honouring his or her memory. To do so, don’t hesitate to recall happy memories or anecdotes you experienced together. Take a moment with the family to look at photo albums or play your loved one’s favourite song at dinner. You could also light a candle in your loved one’s honour or say a prayer or express a little thought at mealtime. It is by talking about happy events that you will help keep your loved one’s memory well alive.

In short, even if your holiday season will never be the same again, accept your new life situation in order to recreate different rituals that will be coloured with happiness over the years. There are no miracle recipes for dealing with grief well, as each story is unique. The most important thing is to take time for yourself and give yourself the right to be sad. Surround yourself with loved ones to get the support you need. And if you need outside help, there are many professionals who can provide you with the resources to deal with your grief, with respect and integrity. Don’t hesitate to contact Crematorium Montreal’s team for advice from our dedicated and attentive staff. We also offer a wide range of services and items that will help you honour the memory of your loved one according to your beliefs and values.

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