Suggested Reading to Help You Through the Grieving Process

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Grieving is an ordeal that’s never easy to get through. Every bereavement is different, from one person to another, and even our own grief following the death of a loved one or another.

It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed after losing someone dear to us. Nevertheless, there are resources, such as books, to guide us on our journey.

Here are 6 books designed to help you through the grieving process.


Le Deuil, une odyssée : vivre après la mort d’un proche

Axelle Huber

Le Deuil, une odyssée : vivre après la mort d’un proche is a book full of imagery and poetry that describes how, over time, we can begin to live again after a bereavement, no matter how brutal it may be.

Axelle Huber is a professional and family coach with expertise in bereavement support. In fact, the author herself lost her husband before their 4 children reached the age of 10.

In this book, she shares her thoughts, along with information, tools, anecdotes and testimonials drawn from her professional experience.


Quand la mort éclaire la vie

Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André, Christophe Fauré & Steven Laureys

Quand la mort éclaire la vie is edited by Ilios Kotsou and Caroline Lesire. In its pages, we find the reflections of a psychiatrist, a Buddhist monk, a palliative care worker, a philosopher and a neuroscientist. They share their knowledge and wisdom to lift the veil on grief, the universal experience shared by all humanity.

A luminous book that opens horizons and helps us learn to live better.


Comment revivre après le deuil d’un enfant

Laurence Guillot-Noël

In her book Comment revivre après le deuil d’un enfant, Laurence Guillot-Noël tackles one of the greatest sufferings a person can go through: the loss of a child. Having experienced this loss herself, she shares a message of resilience and hope with her readers.

In this book, the author attempts to answer some of the questions associated with death and bereavement, and offers tools for recovering from this painful ordeal through 7 stages of reconstruction.

The book is accompanied by a CD featuring relaxation texts read by the author, and a booklet explaining death to children age 4 to 12.


Le deuil du conjoint : de l’ombre à la lumière

Anne Liu

Le deuil du conjoint : de l’ombre à la lumière is a touching book about death and grief, but also about love and hope.

It begins with a look at the nature of grief under the microscope of professionals. This is followed by touching testimonials from widows and widowers whose lives were turned upside down when they lost their life partner.

This enlightening book also includes poems, literary texts and prayers to help us along the road of the grieving process.


Sortir du deuil : Surmonter son chagrin et réapprendre à vivre

Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy & Anne Ancelin Schützenberger

Lyne Bissone Jeufroy and Anne Ancelin Schützenberger are both psychologists specializing in psychogenealogy.

Their book, Sortir du deuil : Surmonter son chagrin et réapprendre à vivre, addresses the fact that every loss or bereavement experienced represents destabilizing stress that requires us to adapt and regain our equilibrium.

According to the authors, it’s essential to recharge our batteries and regain our strength in order to emerge from grief. To achieve this, they propose a path along which we take care to enjoy ourselves and surround ourselves with loving people.

This book is a guide to getting through grief and regaining serenity.


Vivre le deuil au jour le jour

Christophe Fauré

In his book Vivre le deuil au jour le jour, Christophe Fauré sets out to break down the taboos surrounding death and bereavement. The author explains the day-to-day process of mourning, which will differ according to the identity of the deceased and each person’s history.

He also answers the many questions that the bereaved may have. This psychological guide offers support and comfort to those who find it difficult to move forward in the face of grief.


Also read: Comment parler de la mort avec un enfant?

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