Candles: Meaning and Influence
For a number of people, candles are endowed with many powers. Used for rituals, for prayers, to make wishes or to honour a loved one, the candle was invented in the middle of the 19th century, when it was used mainly as a source of light. According to various beliefs, the coloured candles we know today have specific meanings and uses. Crematorium Montreal invites you into the world of coloured candles.
From tallow candles to modern-day candles
The ancestor of modern-day candles, tallow candles were invented 3,000 years before Christ. Originally, they were made of rushes soaked in animal (beef or mutton) or vegetable fat that were left to harden for several hours. In addition to smelling bad, the tallow candle produced only a tiny yellow flame and a lot of smoke.
As for beeswax candles, they were much more expensive and were mainly used by the nobility and the clergy. They provided better lighting, less smoke and did not give off any bad smells. Later, in the 19th century, tallow candles were replaced by stearin candles—the ones we know today.
Coloured candles and their significance
Depending on your ritual or prayer, choose the appropriate colour:
White: A symbol of purity, the white candle brings sincerity, truth and peace. This colour is used mainly for purification, as it represents spirituality. It can also replace all other colours.
Yellow: Yellow represents fortune and success. The yellow candle helps to increase self-confidence, intelligence and personal magnetism. It is generally used in care treatments.
Orange: Orange-coloured candles stimulate vital energy. They are used to relieve tension and be attractive to the world.
Pink: Pink represents platonic love, tenderness and affection. It is mainly used for everything related to sentimental stories and stable bonds.
Red: Symbol of passion and sexuality, red candles induce true love and awaken the dormant libido. They also allow women to reconnect with their sacred feminine power.
Violet: Symbol of protection and colour of independence, violet favours initiatives and is the typical colour of the psyche.
Blue: Blue candles promote creativity and protection against bad external influences.
Black: Black puts a brake on and neutralizes evil and bad energy. The black candle is often used as a shield against negative influences.
Gold: Often used at Christmas, golden candles have the power to attract good waves and positive cosmic influences! We take them out at Christmas time without even knowing about their benefits!
In short, candles are a good way to address your guardian angel or a departed loved one. They can be used to meditate or to make a special request. During a ritual or a prayer, it is important to let the candle burn until the end, whether you light a lantern or a standard candle. The next time you buy candles, think about their meaning, in addition to beautifying your home. If you would like to light a virtual candle in honour of a loved one, contact our sister division Complexe Aeterna and send them a photo of your loved one. Then they can invite family and friends to do the same.