How to choose your urn?

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For many, choosing an urn can appear somewhat trivial. Yet, since the urn you select is the last point of contact friends and family will have, it is important to give it proper thought, selecting an urn that truly represents who you are. Here are a few avenues that will help you make an enlightened choice reflecting your wishes and your needs.

Choice of materials

At the outset, it is important to note that urns can be produced from a wide range of materials. For an urn that is both modern and chic, you may want to consider marble or ceramic. Bronze, on the other hand, has a brilliance and lustre that lend a prestigious note.    For the more ecologically conscious, biodegradable urns are also available. Produced by Urne Bio Canada, this  type of urn holds a tree cutting for planting in the ground. As it is biodegradable, the urn decomposes, allowing a tree to grow and giving the deceased a second life. Another environmentally respectful option is also available: a sand urn. Created by Atelier Côtier, this type of urn is biodegradable and exudes a natural, refined quality. Urns also come in different shapes: rounded, square or cylindrical, the possibilities are virtually endless. Based on your budget, we can advise you on your urn’s materials and shape.

Urn’s destination

When making your decision, it is also important to take into account the urn’s ultimate destination. In fact, whether the urn is to be placed in a columbarium or kept at home can have a bearing on the selection of materials and their sturdiness. If the urn is to be placed in a columbarium, a sturdy and aesthetic urn is an interesting option. If you are planning to keep it at home, a more decorative urn will allow you to incorporate it into your décor, as it can constitute a decorative element. You can also opt for a personalized urn. This can be chosen when making    prearrangements, in order to reflect the values and personality of the deceased.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice on your choice of an urn. We will be pleased to work with you.

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